Meaning: the action of helping or doing work for someone; A valuable action, deed or effort performed to satisfy a need or to fulfill a demand.

The word "SERVICE" is not new to us. Somehow we act it unconsciously or consciously in the things we do for ourselves or others.
Speaking about conscious act of service, most of us are familiar with the importance of helping people or doing things to make a difference in our social community, workplace, family... anywhere we find ourselves. For some, it is a desire to reciprocate the values learnt while it is a natural and good intention to help others. Making a difference with our act of service goes a long way to building an empire for us in the future without our, as we create values for others such as; Happiness, Fulfillment, Hope, Love, Trust, Friendship etc. We never can tell who is expecting that help or anything valuable...just to save a Life. It takes a whole sense of responsibility to accept to help others or doing something for someone else just to make a positive and good impact in their lives.

There are several ways to be of service even at no cost;
Sharing inspirational thoughts (like I do)
Volunteering to carrying out a task without expecting anything in return
Accepting to work diligently with your employer
Giving your time and attention without excuses while you can
Putting your personal interests aside to doing things for others
...and the list goes on and on.
One way or the other, we also benefit from our act of service to others. You never can tell what is expected of you to make a difference directly or indirectly in the lives of your friends, colleagues, family or someone you don't even know. MAKING SACRIFICES IN BEING OF SERVICE IS A NOBLE AND HONORABLE THING TO DO! MAKE IT A CHOICE NOW. Thank you for reading.