The act of despairing or becoming desperate; a giving up of hope.
A state of despair, or utter hopelessness; abandonment of hope
Reckless fury.
In times when all you seek for, are Answers. Nothing seems to be working and the struggle doesn't seem like it's going to end someday. This only makes you want to take drastic decisions just to stop the pain, hardship or suffering.
There is a saying which states that "this life is not balanced at all". It is just a funny way of expressing displeasure about certain inequality and misfortune faced by someone who believes to be entitled to that same fair share of prosperity experienced by another. After all, it might be the same effort done by both parties. It is quite unreasonable seeing that much effort is not considered for all but only rewarded to few or even those that didn't do anything to deserve such gain. This only calls for desperate measures to get your fair share of the reward by yourself.

Referencing the ENDSARS Protest done by Nigerians, all citizen have their various demands from the government under the umbrella of this protest. In this one voice, so many things are being requested for, about the individual's bitter experience in the country. Diving down to so many problems faced by the citizens such as Police Brutality, Bad Governance, Insecurity, Unemployment, Corruption, Abuse, Poverty, Bad Intra-structure and so much more. These are enough reasons to make you cry out for help when hope is no longer an option for survival. And then, it happens that those in power only care about themselves than the people. Moreover, all countries have their problems which might not be compared to others, if not the same.
Given to desperation and unacceptable circumstances;
You see children not giving proper education or subjected to hard labour because their parents don't have any source of funding.
You see youngsters being abused just to get shelter or food to eat.
You see youths going into cybercrimes, robbery and prostitution all in the bid to make ends meet.
You see men and women in abject poverty or deprivation, struggling to provide for their families through hard labour.
You see people dying due to malnutrition, bad health conditions and improper care.
You see the government using the resources meant for the people to satisfy their greed.
You see those in high authority overriding better policies and practices meant to be put in place for the people but their selfish ambition.
Even the police are going through the same suffering as the people due to inadequate earnings, improper training and bad infrastructure.

All in all, we still hope that better days will come and things will work out in our favour. Desperation should not deter you from doing things the proper way rather than give up on life.
Certain things you can do to keep you Alive and Sane;
Pray while you can
Be Hopeful
Be Positive
Be True to yourself
Say No to Violence and Abuse
Find Help or Solutions regardless
Get Knowledge
Acquire Skills
Be Confident of your Abilities
Work Harder and Smarter
Help Others
You may as well read below posts that could enlighten your actions for a change and peace.
Thank you for reading.