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Writer's picture: Queen Momo💖Queen Momo💖

Meaning: The ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason. Being Careful or wise in handling practical matters; exercising good judgment or common sense.

Before penning down my thoughts about this word, i would plead your indulgence to confirm our level of intelligence which is the forefront of being a prudent person. Also, you need to have leadership skills to inculcate this certain behavior in whatever you do or any situation you find yourself.

Prudence gives us the knowledge of what must be done, when it must be done and how it must be done.

Honestly, it is not easy being put in charge to make certain decisions in order to govern the affairs of a particular group of people or being put on the sport for a situation to be managed appropriately. It takes a high level of intelligence, maturity, composure, integrity and wisdom to make right decisions.

I quite agree with a popular saying quoted as thus; "Prudence keeps Life safe but does not often make it Happy". There are certain decisions you must make by obligation and not everyone will be happy about it but would definitely bring peace. For instance, there is a situation at hand which involves having to decide how to meet up with a first time customer's order. Based on the following factors; unavailability of product at the moment, proposed deadline not feasible and location surrounding the delivery, your first consideration is to create a good reputation for the business while making the customer understand why the order should be changed or be giving more time. Of-course you are not happy this is happening to a first time customer but you still need to keep the business safe.

Applying certain principles to situations can be very helpful. Critical Thinking is one of them; to consider carefully enough before taking action. Good Judgement (Unbiased) is another; after deliberating on the situation, we must weigh the points fairly. Then, figure out the best course of action.

In Conclusion, we need to cultivate the habit of scrutinizing an action before it is taken or having a clear and concise perspective of a situation before a decision is made. On the contrary, sometimes prudence could lead one to dive on a grenade, fight courageously and say things which are very awkward while trying to play safe.

Failure to carry out what you believe to be the proper decision could lead to Disreputation. Make wise decisions to save the day.

Thank you for reading.


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