Meaning: A state in which things that are essential for human well-being such as food and warmth are scarce or lacking: Lack of the basic necessities or comforts of life.

Privation (Deprivation) is the condition of being deprived of what you once had or ought to have in life. Not restricting it to food and shelter only but inclusive of your good life and sane mind.
In the recent times, it is observed that so many of our youths waste away their lives at the early stage. Not taking education seriously, unprotected sex leading to countless abortions, improper utilization of resources at their disposal, staying tuned to bad influence from peers and the list goes on. These are typical examples of not taking advantage of having a good life at the right moment (What you once had) until the damage is done.
So many of us have the privilege to understand the consequences of our actions but chose to turn down the words of wisdom or ignore the truth from our loved ones or elders.
Being deprived of the necessities of life could also be as a result of having a poor background or Lack of Care (Ought to have in life). Parents not able to cater for their children or not available to give the attention and care required from them.
No Food, No Shelter, Lack of Education, No Love...these are the causes of our social, emotional and intellectual problems in the society such as Poverty, Illiteracy, Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, Robbery, Prostitution among others.
If you are in the good position to help someone today, why not take that chance. Someone just by the corner might be in need of that food and shelter you are willing to provide; the education that will; the good morals you are rejecting. You really don't want to know what it feels like to be in their shoes.
Learn to be charitable, loving, kindhearted and never can tell where your reward will come from.
Thank you for reading.