Meaning: Any of various practices involving romantic or sexual relationships with multiple partners with the knowledge and consent of all involved.

POLYAMORY is also termed as "Open Relationship" as defined above. "Is this act appropriately for practice or consideration?". Open relationships tend to be more focused on sharing intimacy outside the main relationship, but keeping that primary, dyadic relationship as the top priority.
From research, this is being practiced by most people because they feel it is the best way to handle relationship issues or would rather not commit totally to just one partner and miss out on their sexual desires. Some go to an extent of sharing their outside relationships with the primary partner without any offence taken.
Why agree to have an open relationship with your partner? It is either you are not interested in having a future with him or her or just want to have fun while it lasts. Most people often agree to this due to insecurity, distrust, non-commitment and other related issues experienced in the past and decides to portray a nonchalant attitude towards their emotions.

The goal of any relationship should be to Love, Cherish and Nurture each other till you both decide to go the next level - Marriage. If POLYAMORY is practiced by both parties before marriage, they will continue in marriage or end up having those issues that should have been conquered at the relationship stage.
POLYAMORY often results to neither of the partners considering each other for a future together and rather go with someone willing and ready to Love, Cherish and Nurture them without any disrespect.

It is best to do the RIGHT THING from the beginning. Find a partner that will; RESPECT you and your FEELINGS, make you the ONE AND ONLY partner, portray a TRUSTWORTHY relationship and gives an ASSURANCE for a FUTURE together.

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