Meaning: Continuing in a course of action without regard to discouragement, opposition or previous failure. IN LIFE; There are certain hurdles that awaits us as we hustle to make our dreams and aspirations come true. While we think deep of how to make things happen, we often want to let go of what drives or motivates our intellectual abilities. When we have a challenge in achieving a goal, we rather consider it as a failure than attempt to find ways to overcome. "Never stop just because you feel defeated. The journey to the other side is attainable only after great suffering." - Santosh Kalwar IN BUSINESS; An entrepreneur definitely has its target for every long or short term goal set and every strategy is mostly guided by its vision. Notwithstanding, he will surely pass through some hurdles to make his predicted success come to pass. Either by starting with a low or No capital to aggressive marketing to disheartening negotiations to time consuming customers...until there is a deal. "Success comes from curiosity, concentration, perseverance and self-criticism." - Albert Einstein AT WORK; Despite our plans for a smooth sailing day, we should expect that our routines or to dos' can be interrupted with known or unforeseen challenges. This happens mostly among colleagues with no team spirit, cooperation and support. They rather make you feel crippled in your intelligence thereby causing the low performance or consistent failures. "The extent of the struggle determines the extent of the growth. The obstacle is an advantage, not adversity. The enemy is any perception that prevents us from seeing this." - Ryan Holiday IN RELATIONSHIP; There is NO perfect relationship with your partner. Even the couples with the highest number of years in marriage and still living happily ever after, definitely have gone through a lot of challenges that you can't imagine. Like they say "Rome is not built In a day", what brings perfection are the; unconditional Love, trustworthiness, respect and among others, which should be at the forefront of a relationship. At this early stage, all we put into consideration at first is our emotions and feelings. Mostly, our selfish interest takes the bigger picture of our affections. It's either we are pushing responsibilities or not paying attention to the issues encountered, the only thing in mind are those expectations that needs to be met. In the long run, the only thing that doesn't make us feel discouraged is our ZEAL to keep holding on; unrelenting desires, positive mindset, unyielding strength and predicted success stories. Tips to keep holding on in this pandemic; Care for people around you Obtain more skills Retain work from home and Business Continuity Observe the usual daily routine with exercise Nurture your mind to stay positive Activate your team spirit Verify the authenticity of any News Inspire others with your good vibes Research for more knowledge Utilize your resources effectively Stay Healthy and Safe!
#COVID-19 #MercifulGod #Healtheworld Thanks for reading.