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Writer's picture: Queen Momo💖Queen Momo💖

Updated: May 2, 2019

Meaning: A tendency to be easily persuaded that something is real or true; credulity.

According to Wikipedia, Gullibility is a failure of social intelligence in which a person is easily tricked or manipulated into an ill-advised course of action.

I must confess that this topic seems very complex to write on because i find myself among this act as well. Literally, being gullible is alerted by so many factors in which you can’t predict whether you are acting right at that instance or just accepting the situation as it is.

Trust: This is one the factors that results to doing the wrong thing or making the wrong decision based on your level of intelligence or exposure. Yet, it is termed as being gullible. I am someone that likes things without testing its durability in as much as it looks very attractive and unique to me. At the end, it appears that I was deceived or tricked into going for that thing.

Stupidity: This could mean you are naturally not intelligent or choose not to be – Another factor. You could be a first class graduate and still be gullible or your upbringing is not based on exposure to trending issues such as Failed Relationships, Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, Fraud etc which spreads across various communication channels or media.

Lack of Education: This is an environmental factor that could result to not having the knowledge of what is right or wrong. Most parents have lived this kind of life and now, they share their past experiences with us in order not to make the same mistakes. Learn to seek advice from your elders.

With respect to this, I can say this is rampant with high percentage of teenagers and youths in the society. Even with the fact they are privileged to use smart phones or devices. They rather use them for irrelevant things than brush up their intellect.

Ways to be avoid being gullible;

  • Don't make hasty decisions, think critically first.

  • Be more skeptical

  • Be Trustworthy (click here to read more)

  • Don't be Assumptive

  • Obtain facts

  • Ask questions or seek advice

We all have our gullible moments but it is better to tread carefully, to avoid irreversible mistakes from happening.

Thank you for reading

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