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Writer's picture: Queen Momo💖Queen Momo💖

Updated: May 2, 2019

Meaning: a feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity and an eagerness to be involved in it.

This got me thinking about how I can be very impatient to get a job or task done swiftly for immediate results. There is always a desire that drives me to be more proactive with my deliverable while at work just to achieve results or meet up with deadlines. I also can't dispute the fact that I could make mistakes while being impatient. And Sometimes when I see another person act reluctantly or procrastinates at a set task, I get displeased by their actions.

Maybe you should also read my last on Procrastination to help shed more light on the effects of delay or not being time conscious.

What I am driving at is, it is good to feel excited and in high spirit to get a work done. It can be because of the passion you have for your job or it is inline with the career goals you have set for yourself. If you are naturally enthusiastic, your positive thinking and proactive attitude helps to get things done swiftly and without delay.

Being enthusiastic can help to achieve greater success in life by leading you to people that would positively impact your goals with no compromise in competency, trust and accomplishment. In fact, it drives the desire in you to keep trying when you fail.

Amy Castro shared the following reasons why we should all work a little harder to be less apathetic, disinterested, and dispirited, and be more enthusiastic:

  1. Enthusiasm is energizing and lifts peoples’ spirits.

  2. Enthusiastic people are more enjoyable to be around.

  3. Enthusiastic leaders are people others will willingly follow.

  4. Enthusiasm improves relationships.

  5. Enthusiasm enhances creativity.

  6. Enthusiasm opens your mind to new possibilities.

  7. Enthusiasm allows you to solve problems more effectively.

  8. Enthusiastic employees generally get more recognition, better performance evaluations, and more frequent promotions.

  9. Enthusiastic people are more likely to get hired for a position, even if they’re not exactly as qualified for the job. Skills can be taught, attitude cannot.

  10. An organization with enthusiastic people is a place both employees and customers willingly go to every day.

The above points clearly describes the benefits of enthusiasm. I am also very certain that most successful people today are more enthusiastic than goals oriented. e today are more enthusiastic than goals oriented.

Learn to be energetic, passionate or zealous at whatever you do or any goal set for yourself to help achieve greater success in life.

Thanks for reading.

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