RUTH AJOKE BELLO (1961 - 2020) Our Beloved Wife, Mother, Sister and Friend was born on the 2nd of July, 1961 in the city of Lagos and Originated from Iperu - Ikenne Local Government. She was learned in Secretariat, Administration and Biblical Studies. She lived a wonderful life as an Industrious , Zealous, Loyal, Compassionate, Caring and a Genuinely Loving Woman with Strong Faith in Christ. She held her Family; Children, Siblings, Friends and Close relations in high esteem and always ready to offer herself in service to anyone, anyday and anytime. Her Greatest goal and passion in Life was to touch as many lives as possible through Christ in Service, Evangelism and Exhortation with Consistent Daily Devotions, Ministration, Counceling and Prayers. She lived in London for several years, worked as a Carer, looking after people with special needs and serving the less privileged. She met with the Lord in London and served him at House of Faith Church. She grew very quickly in her new Faith, very zealous and committed to growing and developing herself in the church by attending all trainings available for her spirituality. Her willingness and commitment to serving people was noticed, she quickly became a cell Leader and the Chief Usher at the Church. She was very hardworking, meticulous, supportive, peaceful, loving, diligent and disciplined. She Left London to be with her Children in 2018. During this short period of her arrival to Nigeria, she continued in her service to God at the Kingsway International Christian Center (KICC) Ikorodu. She completed the Kingsway Bible Institute (KBI) classes to be a fully pledged member of the church and joined the Evangelism & Outreach Department. We never wish to part this way and so sudden but we do not doubt that this is God's Plan for you. We will continue to uphold and live through the lessons you have impacted in our lives and pray that God grants you eternal rest and peace as you meet with the angels in Heaven. We Love You but God Loves you More. Farewell! Till we meet again. *Her Message to You* Since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the Blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, His Body; and since we have a great priest over the House of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the Full Assurance that Faith brings. Passed on: 17th of June, 2020 Aged: 58 Years Laid to rest: 20th of June, 2020 Survived by: Her Beloved Children and Siblings.