Indecent: not conforming with generally accepted standards of behavior, especially in relation to sexual matters.
Bid: an attempt or effort to achieve something.
Indecency is no longer a strange act in this world of constant misbehavior; which is the cause of so many misfortunes. There is a race to becoming someone significant either you end up successful or not. All in all, this never-ending race entraps us to going the extra mile to get what we want or who we intend to be. Beware, it is mostly a copycat or an imitation of behavior that doesn't conform to our culture and ends up becoming an abuse to our supposed values.
In the Western world, living independently is the phenomenon for accomplishments. You can freely do what pleases you or engage yourself in anything for survival. Resources are made available at your beck and call without much desperation. Their lifestyle is much more uncompromising for necessities and upkeep. Not to ignore the vices practiced; Theft, Prostitution, Abuse, Gambling etc, which are the factors that mostly drives their motive for survival.
In the advent of finding your own race, there is usually fear of uncertainty. You become discouraged to achieve your goals and rather allow the failures of others overshadow your reasoning.
Focusing on these challenges we face that results to Failure, Depression, Peer Pressure, etc, it is necessary to be cognizant of certain behavior in us that brings them to bear;
* Negativity
All in the bid for survival, you accept all that comes to you. You are relatively challenged of your behavior which often results to "Emotional Abuse". Nothing you do seems good to you because you have been told "you can't do it", "don't bother trying", "you know nothing", "it won't work" and so on. This is just the devil behind your hears trying to stop you from doing something great.
Emotional abuse is a way to control another person by using emotions to criticize, embarrass, shame, blame, or otherwise manipulate another person. In general, a relationship is emotionally abusive when there is a consistent pattern of abusive words and bullying behaviors that wear down a person's self-esteem and undermine their mental health.

* Addiction
Due to Rejection, most people end up finding solace in substances or activities as a way to cure depression and anxiety. It only takes us through a short journey of ecstasy which fades away afterwards. Frequent intake of drugs, smoke, sex and practice of indecent activities often results to addiction that cannot be easily cured. The only thing that makes you fall into depression is YOU. It is better to surround yourself with loved ones, have fun, dance, help others...than wallowing yourself in deep thoughts of uncertainties.
Addiction is a compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activity having harmful physical, psychological, or social effects and typically causing well-defined symptoms (such as anxiety, irritability, tremors, or nausea) upon withdrawal or abstinence.
* Appearance, A type of Power!
The way we present ourselves plays a key role for respect and acceptance in the society. A Decent Appearance gives us an aura that generates the good qualities we might not possess in us. Firstly, It judges our personal image before any chance is given to identify who you truly are. And then, it becomes the pathway for acceptance or rejection. We mostly imitate habits and cultures that ends up influencing our image negatively.
A personal image is important because most people will judge based on the first impression that they get from you. A good personal image will ensure positive, lasting first impressions and can lead to many benefits, including a better job, an easier social life and more opportunities.
All in the bid to attain success or fame, the one thing we can start with to being a person of purpose without a question of behavior or decency is by Breaking the Cycle;
Find solace in God instead
Find yourself (Self Discovery)
Saying No to Negativity
Taking chances for great opportunities; Job, Family, Business, Relationship etc
Embrace Decency
Achieve your goals
Be Enthusiastic and Optimistic
Find cure for any addiction
Earn Respect
Be Trustworthy
Learn to love yourself and others
Live Healthy
among others
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